All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only

For a second system. I want to buy a SS all-in-one integrated. At least 200W in 8ohm.

When I say all-in-one means it has to have DAC built-in (preferable a very nice DAC commensurate to the price point of the system). I would highly prefer a streamer built-in as well.

Am super excited about the new Boulder 866. It seems to be the only one satisfying all the criterion.

Another option could be the Accuphase E-800 with DAC module (but no streaming).
DAG Progression but it crosses 18K without DAC.

Any other options?
I am not interested in anything Class-D. It has to be Class A/B amplifier.

Speakers are TBD as well.

I recently tried 2 McIntosh and 2 Mark Levinson s.  The 585.5 is awesome and can be found discounted right now.

I ended up with the 5805 due to the newer DAC.  Listed a little lower in power but depending on speaker choice it very well could be plenty of power.
I recomend a hegel h390 and dCS Bartok. Slightly over the price but this combo is incredible. I am waiting to hear the D’agostino progression integrated but it is $23k and I am not sure how that dac implementation will sound.

I currently use a Hegel H360 and Bartok paired with the Magico S1MKII. I would choose your speakers first and then find the electronics to pair with them. 
+2 on the DarTZeel LHC-208! Meets all your criteria and the built in DAC is extraordinary! Slightly above your budget new at $18K, but oh so wonderful. May find one used for $12K. Outstanding! By the way LHC stands for Little Heaven’s Corner, and it is. 200watts per channel easily drives my PMC Fact 12 speakers (86db) with ease, and much grace.
I would add the Vitus and if you cold really stretch...the Esoteric Grandioso.