

Responses from thebingster

Got Innuous, now a DAC
If you can locate a previously owned Aqua La Voce, jump on it. Very organic sound (IMO). If not, and you can afford it, buy it new- I think it's around $6K (maybe more now as it's been awhile since I checked). I was so amazed, I upgraded to the Aq... 
Drinking Songs playlest... What am I missing?
"Scotch and Soda". The Kingston Trio  
???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???
Sonus Farber Auditor M's. Have used with Hegel H300 integrated, then DarTZeel LHC-208 integrated. Very natural- enough detail with warmth.  
DarTZeel LHC-208 integrated- pricey but amazing.  
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
@mapman A perfect analysis!  
IsoAcoustics GAIA
Isoacoustics I meant.  
IsoAcoustics GAIA
Sometime back, I installed isometrics on my PMC Fact 12 floorstanders, and heard an immediate improvement to the base and better synergy with all frequencies. My floor is concrete slab on grade with short hair carpet and pad, so I used the spikes.... 
ReL Subs: High Level or Low Level connection
@oddiofyl and @jastralfu, what crossover level setting would you recommend? I too, have a single Rel S510, and my speakers are 3-way, floorstanders (PMC Fact 12s). My integrated is darTZeel LHC-208 Mk2. Currently I have the crossover at 40Hz. Wou... 
REL S510 or S812
I also recently purchased a REL S510 for my 2-channel system to supplement my PMC Fact 12 3-way floorstander speakers in my den which is 12' x 17' x 10'h. Does exac tly what oddiofyl says; except I have it crossed over at 40 Hz. Fills in wonderful... 
What’s the best DAC < 6k (system specific)
+1 on the Aqua DACs. Their "entry" DAC is the La Voce S2 which I had in my system; and later upgraded it to their S3 (the upgrade was about $1,500 and requires it to be sent back to the factory in Italy). For my ears there wasn't a very discernibl... 
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
First heard hi-fi music at a basketball team celebration party at the home of our team sponsor in the mid-60's. He had a Fisher receiver and I don't remember the speakers. After hearing that clarity, I was off to the local hi-fi store in La Jolla,... 
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
Since you mentioned "organic" as your main criterion, you should audition both darTZeel and Gryphon integrated amps (both in $25K range). I heard both through Wilson Sabrinas. Having auditioned both, I went with darTZeel based on what I considered... 
Shipping Alternatives- US to Switzerland
@elrod Yes thanks, I've done that, and awaiting word back from Herv'e.   
Distinctly Digital Forever?
+1 on Aqua DACs. Starting with La Voce, then moving up the ladder (no pun intended) to La Scala, then to the Formula.  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Merle Haggard. If you don't feel this, you have no soul.