Bricasti Design M1 SE - W/ LAN Network Streamer - Version 1.51 V. Denafrips Terminator

I am stumbling along trying to put together a digital streaming system. Have a tidal account and stream through a Farad Power Supply, Roon Nucleus and a AudioQuest Dragon Fly Red,  into a Pass Labs XP 30 Line Stage Preamp, Pass Labs Class A mono blocs, Klipsch LaScala. Considering Bricasti Design M1 SE - Includes LAN Network Streamer - Latest Clock Upgrade Version 1.51 or Denafrips Terminator R2R DAC. My budget is under $10K and I like to buy used. Would appreciate the Forum's assistance in evaluating these components, how they would would work with the Roon Nucleus and what other components would be necessary or desired. I don't expect to use the Dragon Fly. It was used as a cheap way to get started.  My system is currently fully balanced.

@ddafoe I did not compare the M3 with the M1SE, but my dealer did and said that the latest version of M3 has a change to the main board that results in better sound over M1 (I think both flavors of M1); This assumes the fielded M1's have their original hardware.

@chesebert I had the MSB Discrete for a few months with both power supplies. At that time I had slightly different speakers than I do now so it's not a totally fair comparison (had Discrete with Dynaudio Confidence 30, now I have CF50); The discrete is an excellent DAC. I do think it faces very stiff competition from the M3 however, especially when you factor in the M3 is 50% less in price. I will not say one beats the other; Both are pretty awesome DACs and likely up there with state of the art sound in the price range. MSB performs the conversion from digital domain to analog via discrete R2R ladder, and the Bricasti does it with DSP and ADI 1955 multibit sigma-delta modulator and uses a very sophisticated patented direct digital synthesis (DDS) clock generator. 
I can tell you the M3 puts a huge smile on my face as it the portrays emotion and soul of the musical event in new ways to me. I don't recall any other digital component I've had in my listening environment having quite this effect on me before. I go by this as my yardstick, not lab measurements or what is better on paper, or what costs more. Cost generally is a factor yes, but sometimes there are those products that go way beyond their price point and are real head-scratchers. The Bricasti M3 performance to cost ratio is a game changer in my book; 

I believe this new Bricasti main board is available for the M1 now too...or soon. 
@dpac996 I feel like this generation of high-end DAC/streamers are really converging in terms of being almost indistinguishable from high-end turntables. I have heard the Naim ND555 and have Linn ADS Katatlyst and they both sound extremely good, like high-end table.
There is an MSB Analog DAC here on Audiogon. Add the network streaming/Renderer module, and you're still below the $10k mark.

Even though it's discontinued, it is still a fantastic DAC, and fully modular/upgradable.

@chesebert i'm afraid to hear a high-end turntable setup, lol; I have never went down that path for better or worse. I do agree with you about digital streaming. I've been at this since 2007 when I first started messing around with Squeezeboxes and DACs; Last year was mega experimentation with lots of different DACs and transports; My current solution -- Roon ROCK core connected to "A" side of EtherREGEN, "B" side feeding the M3, is a wonderful experience. 
I did play around with the M3 digital filter settings and find I like the linear vs the minimum phase. I am stunned by how much sheer performance 44.1/16 bit contains. 
Cheers and enjoy the music!