Good Streamer with WiFi Connectivity

Newbie looking to add a Streamer into existing System. This unit will feed into a separate DAC (Accuphase).

WiFi connectivity of unit is preferred—to keep things simple—ie. don’t want the extra work on router, ethernet connect etc where possible, foreseeing the cabling~messy.

Is this (WiFi) route a compromised in sound quality? Which Streamer in the 3-5k range will do the job nicely? Will be using Tidal/Spotify. Lumin? Aurender? Or...? Thanks.

I've owned the Aries Mini, Aries Femto and the Aries G1 and have never had a problem running any of them via wireless and could never tell any difference in sound running them wired.  Also have owned a Lumin and the Teac NT-505, which runs off of the Lumin app.  Both apps are very good though different in their approach but I personally give the edge to Auralic's Lightning DS.  Both were designed to work their best with IOS.  Lumin has an Android version but it can be buggy at times.  Without a doubt the G1 has better power supplies than the U1 Mini.  
I’ve also owned the Auralic products -- Aries (femto), and now Aries G1. Both did fine wirelessly, indistinguishable from wired connection. The G1 and G2 are well engineered products that give great sound.

As mentioned, Auralic’s app is only for iOS, but you can stream through Android by using third-party apps (such as the excellent BubbleUPnP). Since Auralic provides a Web interface for configuring the Aries, it’s completely functional without an Apple device.

In fact, since OpenHome and DLNA are well-defined standards, I'm puzzled that hardware vendors keep developing their own apps. In general, those vendors are not good at it, and the apps I've tried have been mediocre at best.
Ok, so I read that Aries G2 is Auralic totl dac’less streamer? but newer G1 shares many of G2’s feature/technology in more price friendly package?—cost aside, is G2 still the better performer to get?

Has anyone heard/compared Aries G2 vs Lumin U1?

*Will be using ios~all Apple stuffs ;)

Thanks again all. BR.
I've been using a Bluesound Node 2 wirelessly for a couple years. No issues to speak of. The sound between wireless and wired for me is indistinguishable.