How a pair of Mark Levinson ML2 stands with the best amps today ?

I saw a pair of these.  They appearead overkill amps with superb construction. Just about sound quality (not reliability) how they stand with today best amps ?
Those Levinson amps will drive a 2 ohm load for 30 years.

 Power supply, capacitance is off the chart, even by today’s standards.

  Have them serviced by a competent tech, or the factory techs.

 AMAZING AMPLIFIERS, you will love them.
topmshelf audio amps.

Here’s lots of info on them
The WTconcept resto site was a great to see one with dozens of HD pics gets a complete resto job done,  but it closed down, even "WayBack Machine" hasn’t got it in it’s entirety

The Aboslute Sound:
One of the Ten Most Significant Amplifiers of All Time:

Mark Levinson ML2
"This John Curl designed amplifier established Mark Levinson, the man, as a driving force in the audiophile marketplace. The 25-watt ML2 monoblock, Levinson’s first power amp, was designed for wide-swing-impedance speakers such as the legendary HQD system (Hartley, stacked Quads, Decca Ribbon)."

Cheers George
Wonderful built quality and sound quality a classic.Jump on a pair ASAP!!


Based on your summation,  the ML2 was an excellently designed/implemented simple/straightforward (relatively speaking) circuit superb sounding class A amplifier. Any idea why the decision was made to add gain stages and feedback thus losing the "magic" of the original? Seems they should have left well enough alone.
