Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
Until recently I could only laugh at your speaker placement. Now there's more to you than meets the eye. Thanks again for the confirmation.


Interesting thread that reinforces how equipment choices are subjective to the owner's ears....and different tastes. I have not heard Magico products but wondered what effect a metal cabinet would have. I have heard some Wilson's but they were not for me. 

Yeah those GE speakers are so good that you can put them haphazardly anywhere in the room and achieve excellent sound. One right next to your chair and the other somewhere in front of you (location not important)............
Not sure whether Ozzy was being sarcastic or not but I've had the same experience with my GE Triton 1r's. My most comfortable recliner is basically right in line with my right channel speaker. While i have a perfectly acceptable sitting position in the "sweet spot", I prefer the recliner and I'm amazed at how well the Triton 1r's image while presenting a wide soundstage. Music is so enjoyable I hardly ever sit in the sweet spot. I switched to GE and traded in my ML stats mainly because because the stats were unforgiving unless you were in the sweet spot. To me, the GE Triton 1r's are amazing in my all tube system and a hell of a bargain although they've raised the price a bit since I purchased them.


Of course he was being sarcastic, but who really cares?  Imagine, he doesn't like the way my speakers are set up?  I guess I should have consulted the great Oz first.  He believes I sit in the easy chair on the side but actually I sit on the couch directly across from the speakers.  Next time I am going to drop 8K+ on speakers, I will be sure to consult him as he, like millercarbon, knows everything and us lesser people do not.  They both drink from the same Kool Aid cup, and worship the orange guy.
J. Chip,

I agree that placement isn't that critical with the Triton series, but I spent days moving my speakers  to get the best imaging I could.  I am using Triton Ones in my other system and have been thinking of getting the One R for that system.   If our current nightmare ever ends, I will audition the Triton One R speakers. b I am glad you like them, I have heard many good things on the GE forum about them.