Klipsch Heresy IV

This seems to just have been released. Anyone heard it? Also looks like they raised the price by a grand. Curious how it compares to the Forte 3 and older Heresy 3. 


   The guy is a reviewer. He is offered the product by the manufacturer for FREE. He only pays for it if he decides to keep it so almost everything you wrote is based on NO FACTS. How do you not know that's how it works???  If you also bothered reading the comments section of the review you would see they arrived damaged to begin with. 

So why should we have to read the “Comments “ section to find out the original conditions of gear Andy is reviewing??
wow,I opened a can of worms there.My intent was to pass along what his observations were between the 2.He must of liked them enough to buy them both.At the price levels,for me, I would like to think there was more than a paperthin layer of veneer.I do not believe that Andy lives at the beach either.I would be more partial to the Heresy IV's since I have heard  Heresy's[older models] before and liked what they were doing.
Did not mean to get anyone's panties in a wad.
Most importantly ALL
Stay Safe and Healthy
Enjoy the Music

Yeah sorry didn't read all the comments, was only guessing at why he's having rust and delam issues with the veneer.  My comments weren't intended to be based on facts...

If they arrived damaged to begin with why didn't he send them back and ask for a new set?  Maybe JBL just sent him a beat up demo pair thinking he was only going to review how they sound and weren't expecting them to be shown in a Youtube video with warts and all.  Also seems a bit shady to comment on the speakers condition when he has no idea what that set has been through.