Need help on McIntosh meters

Has anyone every had a McIntosh meter issue? I have a McIntosh MAC 6700 and my right meter hardly moves yet sound is fine on both right and left speakers. My McIntosh MX120 and my McIntosh MC206 meters all work just fine. Could this be due to volume being too high at some point that could cause this? Looking for some remedies, thanks!
Like I said clearthink,  grow up.  No need to mock me or anyone else.  I could tell you a good place for my foot besides the meters but I won’t stoop to your childish level
I had 600 MB, kids wrapped the meters one night, don't ask me how?
I tried to fix the meters on one amp.. no luck. No way to recalibrate the ones I had. Shame, kinda spendy.. LOL it's a Mac.. it's worth it..
4 months to get the part though.. 

Thanks again everyone I will try tapping the meter ( hope it’s as simple as that) if not order a new meter and replace- but no kicking! 

 I could tell you a good place for my foot besides the meters"

It is completely understandable you're reaction which is a typical infantile threat of violence towards an other person because of you're inability to observe, think, and reason for yourself.
I am not going to get into a shouting match over this, more important things for me to worry about.   Have a nice day.