Need help on McIntosh meters

Has anyone every had a McIntosh meter issue? I have a McIntosh MAC 6700 and my right meter hardly moves yet sound is fine on both right and left speakers. My McIntosh MX120 and my McIntosh MC206 meters all work just fine. Could this be due to volume being too high at some point that could cause this? Looking for some remedies, thanks!

Showing 4 responses by clearthink

stereo5"try flicking the meter face with your finger"

If that does not hurt you can "whack" it with a hammer that might work too or kick it with your foot.
johnto"I think most of us are here to learn and appreciate useful thoughts and help and don't really see any need for stupidity"

Well then you must be very unhappy and frustrated because this forum is filled with some of the greatest nonsense, ignorance and stupidity that I have seen anywhere even though there are a number of contributor's who's knowledge is substantial we have people who do not know what phase is what AC current is or even what country some cities are in sure Paris could be in Italy as some here claim, right?
stereo5"@clearthink, just what is your problem?  You contributed nothing here except your usual BS. Grow up."

@stereo5 are you a moderator, administrator, or manager of this forum if so I suggest you simply delete my "offending" comment or disable my account. If you are not a moderator, administrator, or manager of this forum then stop acting like the Thought Control Police and learn to accept that this is not you're cozy,  private, personal, protected safe place where you are shielded, protected, and isolated from any thought, idea, or proposal that you find uncomfortable, unusual, or difficult to accept, comprehend, or understand.

 I could tell you a good place for my foot besides the meters"

It is completely understandable you're reaction which is a typical infantile threat of violence towards an other person because of you're inability to observe, think, and reason for yourself.