Old school vs new school audio???

Need help. Got into the audio world in the mid 80's while stationed in Germany, US Air Force.  Brought home some great audio equipment for what I could afford at the time.  Trying to get back into it, but things just don't sound the same.  Lack of fidelity.  Have 2 x NAD 2200's I mono bridge.  Upgraded my Yamaha preamp to a McIntosh 6700 receiver thanks to my dad.  Have very nice Paradigm speakers.  Klipsch horns are on my bucket list.  Use audio quest cables.  Maybe I have lost my hearing, but I don't really believe that's the case.  Any input or guidance for me.  Thanks.

Probably my naivety.  The NAD 2200's have a bridge switch that makes them monophonic.  Dedicated amp to left and right channel which creates a more natural bass response.   Is that not the same as a mono block?  Current connections are NAD's to my Mac 6700 to input 2 powering my Paradigm 11se mk3's using audioquest type four cables. The Mac powers my Paradigm Studio Series 100 v.5 off input one.  Using Sony DVP-S7700 for my source.  Sorry old school.

Trust me, I am sure when I pull the plug on the Horns w the Mac it will solve a lot of my issues.  Just hope the Horns sound as good as they did back in the 80's with all their improvements over the years.  
Went from Yamaha amps to my NAD's.  Had Heresy 1 speakers to Cerwin Vegan D8-E's to B&W now to Paradigms.  Wasn't so much vinyl, although I will take a good turntable, tonearm and stylus any day over digital.  
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You got a number of things going on here that are contributing to your dissatisfaction. Or should I say preventing your satisfaction?

While McIntosh are generally better than Yamaha, separates are always better than receivers, so that is a top contender for upgrade/replacement.

Klipschorns were great back in the day when nobody knew how to make amps sound good with more than a few watts. You can do a lot better. For less. And with much greater placement flexibility.

NAD, can do a lot better. You don't need hundreds of watts. Nobody does. 30-60 will do you just fine. Here have a look- read the comments, and realize that Melody is a 50 watt tube amp. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367

You can do a lot better than what you have now, and have a whole system for less than even a pair of K-horns.

The greatest value in amps is a good tube integrated amp like you can get from Raven for about $3-4k. https://www.ravenaudio.com/product/nighthawk-mk3-tube-amplifier/ This will be so much better than what you have now it will be staggering. You will not be complaining about lack of fidelity- or volume either! Hundreds of watts simply are not necessary, not unless you want to use really inefficient speakers.

Your Sony source, saved the worst for last?

Good to hear you prefer a turntable. This just means you will want to be thinking about a phono stage to go with the integrated. But that is getting way ahead of ourselves. What we need to know now is budget, and long term plans? In other words are you looking to buy a more or less complete system now, or use this as a base and buy components as and when you can afford?