Question about Tone Controls + Equalizers

So I wanted to get opinions on Tone Controls.

I listen to all my music including LP's with Tone Controls defeated.

Why do I do that, you say? Because when I started on this journey I had the impression in my mind that in order to be an Audiophile, you have to listen to all music in it's purest form otherwise you are degrading the sound (I know, a very novice and naive mentality). 

So my first questions, do you all listen to LP's with tone controls on or off (if you have the capability in your system)?

My second question is about equalizers and in particular the Schiit Loki. If you have Tone Controls in your system, is adding a equalizer or tone control system useless or does it interfere whit your built in Tone Controls? Would you have defeat the Tone Controls on your own system in order to use the Loki or could they work with each other? I am not sure.

Do you all think a device like the Loki could possibly help fine tune your system sound? Is anyone using it in their own rig with LP playback?

That is what I would use it for, LP Playback, if I ever got the Loki or anything similar.

Just want to add....  Music is to be listened to and enjoyed, not measured on a scope and a frequency analyzer.  So, adjust everything (including the tone controls) depending on your OWN taste and not by what an oscilloscope tells you :-)
I use tone controls.  Everyone should.  It’s silly not too.  Is your room flat?  No it isn’t which is why tone controls are nice to have.  Also, not all recordings are created equally.  I used to be a studio musician.  Trust me, you have no idea all the frequency, expanxion
Expansion and compression is done before the tape starts rolling.

if it sounds right to you then that is what matters.

I use the Loki when a recording needs some help, otherwise it's out of the system but ready to be hooked up when needed. I've used all sorts of EQs in pro audio and recording over decades, prefer the "purist" approach in hifi with no additional eq, digital or otherwise, but that Loki is an amazing thing when called on....great product.
I don't use tone controls with vinyl playback.  My pre-amp does have tone controls but i don't use them.  I do use the digital equalizer in iTunes for a very few early digital recordings.