Digital Player Upgrade Options

I have been using the Bryston BDP-1 since 2011 and have been pleased with the sound quality but it is a little slow and lacks features I may enjoy.  Now I am looking to upgrade. The Bryston BDP-3 is certainly an option but I would like to get to know about other digital players that I should look at. I generally buy used components so I am looking for digital players costing ~$1600 to ~$2600 in the used market.  
Why not just buy a streamer that doesn't have a DAC? Keep the BDP-1 as a transport.
Actually, the BDP-1 is a digital player, playing music files from external drives but it does not stream. The later models (BDP-2 & 3) do have streaming capability. The Bryston BDA is the DAC and their BCD is a CD transport/player.
I can upgrade to Bryston's BDP-3 but wanted consider other well regarded Music Servers before doing that.