best phono stage under 10k

I am looking for a phono preamp I have a radio antenna behind my house (I have had problems with the radio signal and noise with phono -tubes) so I am determined to go in search of a solid state, I am inclined to the warm sound, any recommendations?
OP, sorry to hear about the RFI you are battling. That is so frustrating it would keep me up at night. Putting that aside for a moment....

If my budget went to $10k I’d buy a Manley Steelhead. It’s pretty cool that it can serve as a line stage input for a digital source too. Loading options are on the fly. Now, I own the Chinook (disclaimer) so I’d welcome more of what it does so well. 
Best of luck! 
@saxsaudio1.  Add my vote for the Herron.  Love my VTPH-2A.  You might also consider some of Grover Huffman’s interconnects.  They are extremely well shielded.
thank you very much for all your answers and suggestions,
someone has heard the shuterland mcx?
I thoroughly enjoyed the McIntosh MP1100 while I had it.

It is a fully balanced phono stage, so you can build a truly fully balanced system around it. You could potentially go so far as to have your tonearm to have balanced XLR outputs and really get the most out of it, and have a super nice and low noise floor.