Non-rear ported Speakers

First, I have read that front ported speakers are not sonically viable. Any credence to that minority opinion? 
Second, I am finding them enjoyable in my near-near field garage system. Small Ushers and Monitor Bronze 2. 
Looking to add a third under $800, new or used. Any suggestions? Looking strongly at the Triangle Bro3. Sealed options are fine.
Mishmash of integrated amplification. Vintage Pioneer A-51. Various class A/B, D, T. Garage is experiment city.
Near-near field about 3 feet. I brush my teeth with the music down here.

There are many different designs that have been successfully implemented, while all design types have less successful examples.  I am somewhat skeptical of any categorical judgment, such as Magico's claim than ANY ported design is defective.  Basically, they argue that people liking the fuller sound of ported speakers have been brainwashed by familiarity to liking something they shouldn't like.  

My own speakers are, front ported, but, not in the conventional sense.  The "ports" are long slits along both the left and right sides of the front baffle (Jensen-Onken design).  I like the sound, but, I've heard very nice sound from all sorts of other designs.

Not this pair, and certainly not on eBay but in your price range.  They're small, so convenient for near field, and IMHO possess a detailed sound that may happily surprise.  I own a pair precisely for the reasons you mention, rear porting doesn't  work in my WAF-assigned placement options.  I thoroughly enjoy them.  If you find them not your cup of tea, an easy re-sell, I think.  
I have a pair of original Snell Js and a pair of Genesis 11s- both front ported.Sound great.
A vote here for front ports. Rear ports need too much wall setback. And full enclosures, even with 22Hz bass, just sound boxy. Again, your results may vary, but those are mine.
IF ports, front ports only to retain directionality of bass and those bass note's overtones.

IF subwoofers, a small stereo pair, same reason, and sub self powered, wired so that the bass chores are eliminated from both the main amp and main speakers