High End Audio......Sucking the Romance out of the Music?

Thoughts anybody?
Only during the initial evolutionary phases of the set up process when you listen to your system instead of the music. Once things come together, the speakers disappear completely and buzz-words cease to have meaning because it’s just the sound of music in the room, completely detached from the speakers without any distractions or distortions. There isn’t a system anymore; it’s just you and the recording. Pure romance.
There was something nice about the good old days when if you wanted to listen to music you could just turn on your system,  insert any CD, press play, and enjoy..........

Now I have to plan hours (or days?) in advance to turn everything on to warm it up,  pick the best "audiophile" recordings to listen to,  and sit dead center in the sweet spot to listen.    And of course turn off all lights with dimmers and hope my refrigerator or the heater doesn't start running.

As for romance.........not sure yet but with valentines day coming I will soon have to decide of there will be any music.  And if there is I will have to turn my system on tomorrow.

Music has never sounded better. And the better it sounds, the more romantic um, it gets.
Music help to quiet the soul...Sound is only a hobby....

High end audio is almost there if for this moment you listen to music forgetting about the sound...

After that you know that this hobby can give you and will give you the maximum pleasure possible on earth except for books and love for someone...

"high end comes from dim outset" Groucho Marx