Joseph Audio dealers

Can anyone give me some leads on dealers in the West/southwest? I’m in Albuquerque. Didn’t see anything on website and attempts to contact company over the last couple months have gone unanswered. Thanks 
I don't mind driving to pa or de... but I haven't seen a phone number listed on their site to call. Does anyone have it? Thanks!
David Lewis Audio near Philly carries Joseph. Tried dealing with him once but he lied in the first few minutes of our conversation so that was the end of him for me.
Like others, I've messaged them multiple times and received no response. I'd like to find a deal in the Northeast. A search pulled up Doug's Tubes on Long Island, which ... doesn't look much like a stereo store.
Does anyone know of a dealer in the northeast, preferably north of NYC?
I'm also looking for dealers, but I'm in the southeast. Will reach out to Goldprint. Anyone know if there's a dealer in FL? I don't live there but have family there.

@northman Not exactly where you are looking but there is a dealer in PA called Now Listen Here (