Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one?

I just read that Best Buy is discontinuing CDs. This seems like a bad omen for CDs in general. I had a system I liked and lost most of it in a fire this summer. Insurance will buy me a replacement, but is it unwise to buy a CD player now? What are high end people doing now for source?

And, my players was a Creek CD-43, CD-53, bought in about 2002. What would be an equivalent quality now? Insurance doesn't care that they are more expensive now, they just want an equal replacement. If I buy a player, which is the most popular good CD player now? It's important that is it a popular one, because I don't want to get saddled with something hard to sell since things are in flux.


Marantz, Denon, Onkyo and Yamaha all make decent players at a range of prices. If you’d like to stay with a British brand the Cambridge Audio AXC35 is a good bet. I have the Cambridge CXC transport and think it’s a great value. If you want to add a separate DAC later most have a digital output in addition to the analog output.


Picking up from your post above, the cost of Vinyl and setup varies. I don’t own Vinyl so I would defer the advise to someone else.

If you’re not ready to give up on CD’s yet then like other have suggested, buy a CD player and continue to rebuild your collection. I would highly recommend a Marantz player.

Before you re-invest in a CD player, visit a friend or a store for a demo on streaming setup. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how good digital streaming has gotten not to mention the accessibility of all of your favorite tunes at your finger tips.
river 251
Sorry about the fire and your loss. I would not hesitate on getting a new CD player or transport/DAC combo. CDs will be around for quite some time even though Best buy is discontinuing them also I wouldn't listen to the vinyl only crowd that CDs will be gone soon (isn't that what they said about vinyl 30 years ago).
I currently own a Rega Saturn R and CEC TL2X in my system the Rega is my DAC and backup CD player This past fall I sent the CEC transport to the only service center here in the US and had the "Royal treatment" done to it. The piece is 26 years old and is a gem IMHO it was worth th$700.00 to have it refurbed.
The point I'm trying to make is yes get yourself a good player or transport/DAC.
One of the biggest problems with streamers are that technology has become the master not the servant. I still like the physical media.
Happy Listening

 But a used Rega Saturn cdp. You won’t be disappointed. Sorry for the loss. 
Luxman D08u
I have Tidal from day one, I have aurender, I have vinyl. Still an ECM CD on my Luxman D08u outperformed everything.