Lyra Atlas SL Cartridge Magnet type??

The Lyra Atlas SL, search all over the Internet, can’t seem to find the type of magnet being use on the cart. Any members have info. on this, can you advise?  Much appreciated!

Yes... i did call the distributor ( Audioquest ),  they have no idea what kind (type) of magnet being use to built the cartridge.  
davef.... can you advise on this matters? Looking to purchase a cart for my next project. 5 carts to pick from the list for my Forsell Ref 2 air tangent turntable. All will work; compliance & phono stage are not an issue.  My phono stage can take a low mc. 

1) Lyra Atlas sl
2) Koetsu Coral Platinum
3) Airtight opus 1
4) Jan Allaerts mc2 finished gold
5) xyz universal diamond

Which carts do you like on this list. Please advise?

@zipost keeping in mind that what I look for in a cartridge and what my preference is in music are probably totally different to what you prefer...I would say that all of those cartridges are good. The order is going to depend on what is your preference.
Personally, I like a cartridge that is not veiled and therefore is highly resolving...which would lead me to place the Atlas SL at the top, followed by the Airtight ( which does everything well...and nothing exceptionally), then the Zyx (not xyz)Universal...with the new CF cantilever and lastly a draw...between the Koetsu and the Allaerts. If more warmth is desired, I would tip that towards the Koetsu in favor of the JA. While you say phono stage is no issue, that surprises me, as the Atlas SL is very low output and the Opus is not....leading to a different presentation based on your phono stage capabilities.
Daveyf... thanks for the awesome fast responses!  Really appreciate your advise and opinion; will help me alot in choosing my next cart.  Happy Listening!  
@zipost   Unfortunately, I think choosing a cartridge is the most difficult thing in this hobby, I started a thread somewhere on the web about exactly this....due to the inability of one to actually hear the design before purchase. Some folks really dislike Lyra’s...because they claim them to be lean...others really dislike Koetsu’s, too warm. I think if..a big if, you can hear the cartridge in your own system before committing, that will be a significant plus. Good luck with your acquisition.
daveyf.... on the Lyra Atlas SL;  stating diamond coated boron ( per JC) Is that the same as diamond cantilever?   What is the differences between diamond coated vs diamond cantilever?   Also, when they state the cantilever is boron;  solid boron vs hollow boron?  Very confusing!