Reference Full Function Tube Preamplifier

Happy and healthy holidays to all!
I’m trying to decide between two reference level full function tube preamplifiers. My decision is between the new Luxman CL-1000 line/phono preamplifier and VAC Renaissance Signature 2A SE line/phono preamplifier. I wish I could afford the VAC Master, but alas, no. Anyway, I’d very much appreciate any thoughts and experiences of members. Thanks to all!
A number of years ago I owned an MP-3, the sound of which I really enjoyed. However, I found the manual stepped volume attenuator (24 position I believe) insufficient to dial in the correct volume, often a bit too low or too loud, varying track to track on CDs.
That was a common problem on a lot of older preamps including ours. We redesigned the Gain Trim controls a few years ago which dealt with that problem.
My Schiit Freya runs silently, is balanced, has 3 function options, more inputs than most (5 inputs including 2 balanced, and one balanced and 2 single ended outputs) and sounds astonishingly good. A 128 step relay switched volume works perfectly and accurately. Far too inexpensive for those obsessed with Serious High End, but I suggest it anyway because clearly I'm unhinged.
If two boxes are okay, you'd have to spend a lot more money to equal or better Herron Audio's phono and line stage
+1 vinylvalet the Herron is short on the bling factor but offers reference caliber sound particularly in areas of timing, neutrality, functionality and quietness.
While I’m sure that the VAC and the Luxman are both wonderful preamps, in the case of the VAC I would find it a little off-putting that loading of LOMC cartridges cannot be set higher than 470 ohms. And while I couldn’t find relevant specs on the Luxman, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is similar in that respect, given that both designs apparently use step-up transformers at their LOMC inputs.

The 20 db gain difference between the VAC’s LOMC and MM inputs corresponds to an impedance transformation of 100x, given that a SUT is providing that gain. The 47K maximum input impedance of the MM section divided by 100 is 470 ohms.

Like some of the others, I am a very happy owner of the Herron phono stage. Its LOMC input stage is FET-based, and Keith Herron recommends (as I have found) that no loading (i.e., the nearly infinite input impedance it presents when external loading plugs are not applied) is often preferable with it.  And in this thread Lyra cartridge designer Jonathan Carr has explained that less resistive loading (i.e., higher load impedance) can "benefit dynamic range, resolution and transient impact."  

Good luck, however you decide to proceed. Regards,
-- Al