Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?

Browse the listings for power amplifiers (e.g. under $5K) and you notice a myriad of Classe, Parasound, Bryston, older McIntosh and Mark Levinson and lots of Pass Labs.
So many in fact that you wonder why.
What are the true audiophile gems in the pre-owned solid state market? Thanks in advance.
& even better after lighting up some 420 :)

Seriously, never knew that about the Nak 420, always thought that stack of Nak gear was cool looking and that maybe the preamp was the weakest of those 3 pieces (amp,pre & tuner)
The Nakamich 420 souds excellent combined with a Supratek preamp.A lot of SS power amps sound quite good but are not transparent so impose too much of their own sound . Using  a top flight preamp with them does not improve them greatly.The 420  allows the benefits of a good preamp through.The Usher R1.5 is also excellent in that regard.
I've a nicely detailed area with inefficient vintage Infinity inc. IRS Beta.
Tried several styles, ended up with more heavy vintage gear in the form of Yamaha Pc4002m's and Pc5002m. Set up so I don't have to move them ouch... I'm hearing the cleanest most powerful,forward,soundstage yet. 
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