Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

"Not a big deal, but not all audiophiles have endless funds, and they read forums like these to find out where to spend them."


This is more of a beginners forum as you still have those who can't hear the changes because their systems and or practices are not up to the task. Once you move on to more advanced listening it's not that hard to explore things, money or no money. 


Most audiophiles, even reviewers are "beginners".
You forgot to mention that the best ones may not be "beginners", but they definitely are liars lols.

It's interesting to see prof don't hear difference in cable elevators. First you have to be able to hear difference in cables first :-) It's like saying I finished the race first but I crashed out on lap 8 out of 80. 

Perfectly put.  Cheers.   ;-)

Perfectly put. Cheers.   ;-)


I think you missed my point.  What I was saying is you intentionally trying to be illogical out of being self-indulgence.  I think you enjoy doing it lols :-)