How much of your free time is dedicated to listening to your stereo?

About 70 percent of my recreational time is used listening to my stereo. I will also be using my phone some of the time. I don't look at TV much at all. An occasional movie and two TV series. I'm a hardcore audiophile. Nothing else stimulates my dopamine reward system like music does. When I was 8 or 9 and discovered music, it was all enveloping in my life. I'm unbalanced but right now as I'm listening to PF "The Wall" I'm taken away to a rush of feelings and emotions. Like Jimi Hendrix said "Music is a safe kind of high".
I don't listen TO my stereo, I listen to music through it ;-). And when I'm not, I still hear music playing in my head, all waking hours.
I listen to music at least 1-2 hrs a day. I get home well before my wife. This is my "me"time.