Hey K.....tt, Do you even have speakers??

If so, please enlighten us all as to your current system!  My guess is casio clock radio, on isolation platforms in a tuned room of course!

  I was just reflecting on 9 years of this hobby, and every pair of my 50+ speakers has brought me immense satisfaction.  Why are you so sad and disgruntled but more importantly, if you hate hifi, mainly speakers, why do you come here?

cue crickets...
50+ pairs of speakers!!! That's mind boggling. I've had my present von Schweikert's 15 years and before that some nice MartinLogans for 13 and before that Klipsch Cornwalls for about 10 years....
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OK, just to bring the averages down, I have had the same pair of speakers since 1984---Apogee Scintilla Ribbons.  Still have them and enjoy them more than ever.