The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!


Wrong again Cleeds.

If You claim that you can hear a difference on Your system, all I have to do is show that You cannot reliably detect the difference on Your system. Ditto if a supplier makes a generalization about a group of people with certain characteristics and systems with certain characteristics, and/or a system he is allowed to put together and a group he is allowed to put together. I only need to show lack of detection in that circumstance, which is near ideal for the person making the claim.

Me and prof already schooled you on this at least once, but you keep repeating all the tired and wrong arguments. Are you just going to drag out the same tired and wrong arguments again?

cleeds2,582 posts11-25-2019 10:33am atdavid
Many tests are not needed to disprove a claim, just one ...
That’s completely mistaken, and the claim reflects the blind faith some have in these tests. The simple truth is this: No single test or trial proves anything at all. Only multliple tests - preferably with multiple subjects - are likely to produce meaningful results.

atdavid, you really don’t understand how independent test and evaluation works, do you? Don’t worry, stick around, you’ll catch on. If tests weren’t independent any yahoo in town could say his test proved some thingamabob or another is a hoax. 🤗
Bravo to those who are starting to question the value of "high end" power cables to the quality of the sound that we hear as an end result.  There is simply no scientific or logical evidence to justify the expenditure of so much money for these units.

Good audio equipment is fitted with excellent  power supplies, which filter and stabilize during the rectification process to DC.  Power supply surges are a different story - but surge suppressors are the proper solution to protect our equipment from such damage.

Most of us are subject to budget limitations - and do not want to waste our hard earned money on "snake oil" solutions.  Science and logic should reign supreme in any technical endeavor - aside from the judgement of our ears - which can be overly subjective and misleading in some cases.  Let the buyer beware!

524 posts
11-25-2019 10:17am
Oh look, a person who doesn't understand the concept quoting another person who doesn't understand the concept. I feel so much more enlightened now .... like at least 10lbs.

I was indeed expecting for you to say this about me (nothing new, the same arrogant, condescending, know-it-all behavior to be expected from you), but putting Micheal Lavorgna in the same meter? Really?

Here is another one if so inclined:

There are many different ways to skin a chicken, no?

If You claim that you can hear a difference on Your system, all I have to do is show that You cannot reliably detect the difference on Your system.
Perhaps. But to insist that you can base any assertion on the results of a single test or trial is simply absurd. That's why scientific tests rely on more than one test, more than one trial and - typically - more than one subject.

Of course, if you prefer to believe in certain things because of the results of a single test, that's perfectly fine. But in doing so you abandon any claim you may have to being scientific or objective.