Iso Acoustics tweak for regarding P9 or probably any rega table

After Art Dudley noted an improvement in his turntable with the Iso Acoustics pucks. I ordered the "Indigo"
units to try with various components. I got 3.  They proved to enable my Rega P9 turntable to exhibit more
of a full soundstage and a bit bigger presentation than other substitute feet I've tried.  May work with other
rega tables too.  Weight wise ( the P9 is maybe 20 lb) you could make do with the Oreo Bronze  instead of the slightly more costly Indigos.  3 bronzes support 24 lbs.  3 indigos support 48 lb. The latter slightly higher.
Try to evenly distribute weight in 1/3's.  I left stock feet in place.  My table set up for mono.  Bessie Smith
sounded full and rich and detailed.  Bottlehead seduction.  Pass p20. Pass xa30.5. Sopra 1's. 
I also use the Orea Bordeaux under my table (Garrard 301) I think they have a huge improvement over the cone system I had prior. most notably the isolation of external vibrations, not suspended table isolation mind you. I found they helped focus the detail quite a bit and stabilized the low frequencies allowing for much better bass detail. Over all a great addition to my table. I also use three. 

Note they need to be with in the weight range or you will not get the full benefit out of them, this is because they need to be properly pre loaded but not over loaded. 
I have tried every foot combo, isolation platform that is known to man! The best by far is Ikea bamboo boards with the Iso Acoustic Indigo feet!
Cheers, Doug 

@plastico, does that include the Townshend Audio Seismic Platforms or Pods? Or the Machina Dynamica Mini Isolators (springs) under the bamboo board?

The IsoAcoustics feet (including the GAIA) all appear to be nothing more than just another rubber foot (the GAIA has a metal housing, but whatever isolation it affords is that provided by the rubber insert at it's center), similar to Sorbothane, Navcom, EAR Isodamp, and all the rest. The isolation capabilities and properties of rubber is limited to no lower than 10Hz, not low enough, especially for turntables.

I stand corrected. I should have said, I have tried everything under  $500 CDN. And the Iso Acoustic Indigo feet are unlike anything rubber. 
Cheers, Doug