Please help with the cable burner

I bought this cable burner, plugged into the power and it run but do not know how to attach the cables into and how long it takes for burning.

Could you please share your comments about how to use it. I, of course, am responsible for the usage myself.

Link of the burner:

Thank you very much.
Dear fellows. I feel a very lucky man.Someones takes seriously my experiences in hi end audio,others laught at and smile, so what a big joy I experience at this very moment.Everybody is happy!!!
Rja I dont make any rules, just tell, as you do, what I think.Have a nice day!Cheers.Raf
Yes, audio is full of humor, I love watching "con-man" movies, such as "The Sting" and the George C. Scott movie "The Flim-Flam Man". But in audio, there is a never ending line of these characters, each with their own different story of how they have "invented" superior cable geometry and "discovered" new physics in the field. More entertaining than most movies.

Hey Raf, Just felt like quoting a very old Neil Young song from Buffalo Springfield days. Wasn't directed at you.