Looking to improve CD playback

Ok, currently I am using a Arcam DV137 DVD player as a transport into a Bryston BDA-1 DAC via SPDIF coax.

I am considering the purchase of the Mirror Audio Tubador III DAC and the NuPrime CDT-8 dedicated CD transport. I have been keeping up with the threads regarding the Tubador DAC.

The Tubador can be purchased with I2S output via HDMI I believe this is an additional $400 cost to a $1500 DAC. The CDT-8 has I2S output via HDMI. I believe the general consensus is that I2S is the best interlink between digital components however have no personal experience using I2S. I know there are different connection types other than HDMI for I2S however lack knowledge about the benefits of any of the different types. I am looking for feedback on this DAC/Transport combination regarding benefits of the I2S connection provided.  

Obviously, I have options regarding timing of purchases. I could buy a the transport 1st and use SPDIF into my BDA-1 to explore the benefits of the CD only transport over my DVD player. I could purchase the Tubador without I2S at a later date. The Tubador could be updated with I2S at a later date if desired.  There are other transports available.

Any thoughts on this rather open ended question?  

I have a BDA-1, and it is a fine DAC (I now have mine in my second system).  I also have a Bryston BCD-1 CD player.  Some years ago before I got into streaming, at the same time that I auditioned the BCD-1, I also auditioned the BDA-1.  Both at the dealer and and with a borrowed BDA-1, I experimented with a number of  lesser CD players and DVD players, including my own Denon 2910 DVD/SACD universal player hooked up to the BDA-1. It was no contest, even thought the BDA-1 was the technically superior DAC to the similar DAC built into the BCD-1, in terms of SQ, the BCD-1 just simply outperformed any of the combos I compared it to.  I came into the shop thinking about buying a good DAC, but wound up buying the BCD-1 instead.  When it came to spinning plain vanilla Redbook CD's the BCD-1 with it's rock solid Redbook CD only transport was the clear winner.  So the transport really matters.  A couple years later after Bluesound integrated streaming from Tidal I picked up both an original Bluesound Node and a BDA-1 to go with it.  It was and still is a very good combo, but couldn't quite match the BCD-1.  It was only after I started using a Melco N1A as my NAS (effectively as my CD transport) that I was able to approach the BCD-1 level of performance.   
Jazzman, yes the transport matters. I probably should go that route 1st. Always a debate. I am going to take my time with this.

Given the quality of the BDA-1, I could purchase a transport 1st.
Then swap out the DAC later.

Given I have the DV137 I could purchase the DAC 1st and purchase transport later.

Seems your experience would suggest the transport should be 1st.

I'm just saying not to underestimate the role of the transport.
I also like the idea of controlling your variables and changing only one variable at a time. I know from experience just how good the BDA-1 is.  My suspicion is that when it comes to spinning discs, that your transport is currently the weaker link in your chain.  All things being equal,  DVD transports tend to introduce more jitter than dedicated Redbook CD transports. That is why so many high-end players are limited to doing Redbook CD only.  In my personal experience, the uptick in SQ feeding the BDA-1 from the BCD-1 was no where near as great as the SQ differential the BCD-1by itself had over the Denon 2910 / BDA-1 combo.
Jazzman, I very much appreciate your encouragement to not underestimate the role of transport. It is most likely that my DVD player used as transport is the weakest link for Cd playback, not the BDA-1. Thus, I am thinking towards the purchase of a CD only transport prior to purchasing a new DAC.

The question then becomes 'which one'? 
I have a Cambridge CXC transport which works smoothly and quietly.I haven't compared it to another though so that may not be helpful at all:)It only has one coax input.The only thing that's not good about it is the remote.It's meant to operate several other Cambridge products so the buttons for the transport are all down at the bottom in a small section.
I'm still loving the Tubadour after almost six months with it.It's very sensitive/responsive to tube and cable changes.It definitely sounds it's best with a good shielded pc.The other day I pulled out some old cables from my accessory box and swapped in a Gabriel Gold Revelation ic cable for the digital cable.It shouldn't have worked well at all but holy cow!Everything just came to life is the only way I can describe it.Crystal clear and "real".
Possibly one of the other types of connections would more easily transmit this quality of sound?I have no experience with them though.