
So in our never ending quest of upgrades i am looking to get into vinyl again.my last turntable was a technics over 35 years ago. This is my current equipment.Aragon aurum preamp Aragon palladium monoblocks nordost spm interconects and speaker wire.Focal electras 920. Digital playback is a Yba integre cd player. Room is about 12x27 . Budget would be 2500 to 3000. Dollares. More importantly having little knowledge on setting up a turntable i want to buy new and from a local brick and mortar dealer. So here are the choices.Mofi , pro ject, rega ,marantz and denon.
Question: Since you are limited to hands-on bricks and mortar, what do you need us for? Go and listen. 
" Myself? I just hate having to get up every twenty minutes to flip the record or put on a new one (PLUS cleaning, tick&pops, storage, etc.). Good luck. "

And dont forget about all the new 45’s that only run for 10 minutes!

Seriously though, Digital is not organic sounding, vinyl has a more grounded or earthy quality. This can be heard on a $50 plastic portable player or a high end 2 channel system. The fact that records do indeed end quickly I feel keeps me alive heck the whole process of having to get up and find a record and unjacket it then lay it on the turntable is part of the event! Hours of digital streaming or long 70 minute CD’s are uninspiring to me, its great for music when your not really listening imo.

ASW, any of the brands would work, if you can listen first then it helps to narrow things down. REGA would be a great start too :-)
Matt M

Millercarbon we need more people like you in the hobby.

Yeah, but only if you want a hobby of informed audio enthusiasts keen on building the most musically satisfying system they can on whatever budget they consider reasonable. But if on the other hand you want a hobby of back and forth banter, well then, as you were.