RIP - Tim Mrock

It is with much sadness that I bring the news that Tim Mrock, the developer of Perfect Path Technologies, passed away at approximately 1 am on Monday morning 10/28/2019.

Tim succumbed to a fast-moving cancer. He leaves his capable partner Krissy to run the business and to continue producing the Perfect Path Technologies products.

Over the past few years, Tim and I have become good friends, often carrying on long telephone conversations discussing audio, new ideas to improve the hobby, and things of a spiritual nature.

Tim was a true genius, an inventor, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a deep thinker, an extremely hard worker, a generous person, and a man who truly loved his partner, Krissy.

With the conversations I had over time with Tim regarding his spiritual pathway, we can take solace in the knowledge that he is in a much better place. He was a man who loved his Lord with a passion. The names he gave to his company and to his products pretty much says it all.

I'm going to miss you, buddy.

Rest in peace, my friend.

With the meteoric rise of PPT, and the recent frequent introduction of new outstanding innovative products, Tim having been critically ill feels unbelievable to me.
My condolences to his family, and also as well for our entire audio community.
RIP to Tim. I didn't care for his products, but he was passionate for his craft.
There are two moments I'll never forget. The first time I looked into his eyes, and the last time I saw his face. <3 His legacy will live on. 

I just came to know about this. I am so sorry for your loss Krissy.
RIP Tim. My sincere condolences! I have and will continue to enjoy all the PPT products.