Network Switches

@asvjerry I am a little slow so I am not sure I get the gist of your post. However, I will say that over the past 3+ years of using a mircoRendu while my computer did a few things such as, browser windows open to mostly static computer programming URLs (no video), maybe RDP into another computer, email, and not much else, I could not see a degradation in the sound of my audio system. My system seemed to be operating at a steady state of quality even with the computer having varying degrees of CPU/disk use. I attribute this nice steady state to the microRendu.

Now the OpticalRendu is promising to deliver what I did not even know I was missing by eliminating Ethernet noise from the equation.  That noise currently flows into my microRendu via RJ45 Ethernet cable (not computer noise).

So this is supposed to give some improvement to the sound of a network connected system. The fact that the Rendu's are all ROON READY is an added bonus.

I am not an expert in the Optical networking but the audio benefit seems easy to understand if the premise of an Fiber Optical cable not being able to transmit electrical noise is to be believed.
I recently got introduced to Rukus for access points and switches. They seem to have interesting and proprietary technology that may have benefits for audio. Just another thought.
I for one appreciate all the insightful answers and I have no need for people telling me that I my personal experiences are wrong. 

I bought, just for fun, a new Ethernet cable and much to my surprise the difference was clear. I do not understand why it is better, but I do know that it is. 

Ruckus is one of the best at enterprise and campus level WiFi.  Have you used it in an audio based design?  I have worked with Ruckus gear on large scale projects, but never as an audio solution.  Just curious.
Here is one of the most useful forum threads about this topic.  I only post on Audiogon because there is no way I can keep up with all the forums and websites, but I have found this thread to be very informative:

It’s good to see more computer/network based audio solutions being discussed here on Audiogon.