Please Make Audiogon Cool

I think that there are a lot of experienced and interesting people on this site. Some in retail, some in manufacturing, and probably some really cool artists, scientists and engineers of all sorts of backgrounds.

I want to encourage those of you with something to say, a point of view, a helpful idea to post.

Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group. If you care about the Audiogon community and would like to see it go in a particular direction, then please contribute in the way you feel most comfortable and engaging.


Yup. And thank goodness the moderators are monitoring the abuses here, as evidenced by the deleted posts.

The thing is not all nonsense, disinformation and bad behavior violates the stated forum rules, so can’t rely on that alone. In fact a lot more does NOT than does. There are no rules that cover nonsense and disinformation in particular. That’s trickier and not sure anyone would want that level of censorship even if it could be done correctly so its up to all good citizens to help make for a better place.
The thing is not all nonsense, disinformation and bad behavior violates the stated forum rules, so can’t rely on that alone ... There are no rules that cover nonsense and disinformation ... so its up to all good citizens to help make for a better place.
+1 bigtime, @mapman 
Post removed 
Very, very, few audiophile are considered cool by anyone.

What would a website frequented by audiophiles ever be cool ????