Abbey Road 50th Anniversary

I’ve been listening to the 50th Anniversary of “Abbey Road” by The Beatles all morning....what fun!  The new mix is well done.  It’s warm and spacious.

I understand The Beatles albums are sacred for some.  I’ve enjoyed most of the remastered and reissued albums over the years.  This new “Abbey Road” release definitely sounds different, and after a few plays I put on the original pressing and the 2009 remastered version for comparison.  I prefer the cleaner, sweeter sonics of the newer versions.

I like the extra instrumentations, orchestrations and outtakes.  The new packaging and materials are wonderful.  The books, photos and sleeves are tastefully laid out with a high quality presentation.

What do you think of this iconic masterpiece?  What is your favorite pressing/version of “Abbey Road”?

“....and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make....”

Here an interesting review and comparison from Vinyl Rewind:
I didn't watch the entire video, I skipped to the end to hear the conclusions. 

I loved the 2019 version.  I haven't done any A/B comparisons myself.

Even listening on youtube, the snippets played from the 2019 version seemed "meatier" and fuller bodied. 

I just picked up a used MOFI copy.  I'm hoping he was wrong about that one not sounding so great.  I haven't played it yet.
He's not.  Most MOFIs of that era were crap.  After playing the MOFI of Sticky Fingers my college buddies and I took it out on the beach and tossed it frisbee style into the Atlantic Ocean.  That's how bad it sounded.
Given what they seem to sell for on Discogs, I'll probably toss it out there instead of the ocean if I don't like it.

I compared my three copies on the music thread last week and the MFSL was the loser.