Broken hearted...magnepan and vandersteen

I finally got an opportunity to hear the 1.7i magnepan. I will blame my ears and taste, but I was underwhelmed. I heard them with tweeters inside and outside for comparison. outside did sound a bit better. Then I allowed them to play the vandersteen quatro ct. The speakers disappeared into the music. Deep, tall, wide soundstage with excellent imaging and air around the different instruments. Full range sound. Thankfully the trio ct sounded almost the quatros equal. I really was ready to go with magnepan. I was surprised. All other speakers are sounding inferior now. 
The only speaker that can satisfy kenjit is unfortunately unavailable, as it is being used in the Bose Wave Radio.
I will see the wizard of Hanford “ later this week and I will let him know team Holiday Inn thinks you have been doing it all wrong since 1977
Of course its all wrong. Magico, Wilson, Yg, Revel and every other speaker company that deliberately avoids first order slopes also thinks it's wrong. Most high end speakers avoid first order slopes. The wizard is in the minority that caters to a niche group.
The elac integrated comment was more rant than a comment on my budget. Could I have Walked out with some prima luna gear and quattros... yes. But I was disappointed that my previously conceived plan involving the 1.7i were blown out of the water. Thankfully my fiance has a good ear and heard what I heard. She has said that if I am happiest with quattros, then I should get the quattros. Wow! End of the day, I also got to hear GE triton 1. excellent low end, clear sound, definitely a good speaker, but still doesn't match the vandersteens. 
I happen to like both brands but own a pair of Magnepan 3.7i which sound wonderful in my listening room.  You do need a high current amp to drive them (I currently have a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista 800 Integrated amplifier).  Setup did take some time (found soundstage shrank with ribbon tweeters inverted), but not more than time than I would spend on any other speaker - one has to play the room to get things right and all speakers are different in that regard.  I’m sure with properly matched electronics either speaker would sound good.  I would agree with the others that even under the best of circumstances comparing the 1.7i with the Quattro might be a tad unfair (and with everything else being equal both do have different sound signatures - becomes a matter of personal taste).  Enjoy your new speakers!
I've owned two of the entry models from each brand - same level of components, same room.

The 1Cis are comparable to the 1.7is in overall value, but they have some different strengths. I like both of these more than the 2CE Sig IIs. Oddly, I find the Magnepan .7 is better than the other three in overall performance. I was surprised to find it's actually more dynamic than the 1Cis and 2CEs, just doesn't plumb as deep in the bass. Yes, it requires more power, but an amp of 75 watts/ch with a stout power reserve will be enough for good volume in a medium-sized (i.e. 14x20') room. 

The .7 really is much better than what I was ever able to coax from the 1.7is, even regarding resolution. Maybe it's because I never used anything beefier than the Halo Integrated with the 1.7s. However, if one really needs a better amp than that to make them sing, then they're not a great value after all.