Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
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steakster, congratulations on your improvement! I had tried SPDIF cables in Schroeder Method fairly soon after discovering it, and found that it is highly efficacious for DACs. I also tried it with AES/EBU and it worked equally as well. 

One of the wonderful aspects of Schroeder Method is how it lays open the previously distorted, unrevealed nuances of the signal. The music opens up, as opposed to being occluded by signal loss/distortion. As you found out, a system that strikes the owner as being extremely refined can have a large amount of improvement still to show. After dozens of improvements taking systems well beyond where I thought they could go, I concluded that there is no practical limit to the improvement of an audio system; a person will typically run out of funds before hitting the performance wall. Thankfully, Schroeder Method is immanently affordable, but of course, can scale up, too. 

I strongly suggest that if you are going for an ultimate system with your current electronics you try no less than three different SPDIF cables with Schroeder Method. You may even wish to mix and match, which is heresy, but I I have found out by trying "heretical" things (such as the Method) that accepted practice doesn't always lead to best results.  :)
So far from what I have been reading regarding the Shroeder method is 100% positive results . What is the next step with this method ? Will the big cable companies start to implement this ? Why has this never come to market in all the decades of wires ? Just courious . 
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maplegrovemusic, yes, from what I have seen as well the results are universally positive. 

A patent application for Schroeder Method has been submitted. 

I believe the reason why it was never brought to market is because it flies in the face of theory. It is counterintuitive and would seemingly only potentially introduce problems. However, as those who actually try it have learned, there is an evidential gap in theory, and the double IC is sensational, resulting in superior performance over a single IC.