What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away

i may have over reacted... for some reason PayPal wants to drive me into a business account. Looks like the fees are the same so not sure what that is all about, I'm just suspicious by nature

If you switch to a business account which is pretty easy you get a merchant ID, enter it here, and move on. If you don't want to do that then they make it very complicated to fill out forms, etc. I gave up and switched to business, made up a bogus business name and am moving on...
I use my personal paypal account to send money to family.
It's my understanding that that is not available with a business account.
Does this mean I will now need 2 paypal accounts in order to buy/sell on Audiogon?

Friends and Family remittance is still an option on a Business PP account.

Good Listening

When one switches to a business account, it opens up the possibility of IRS looking at our sales as income....and thus legally reportable when filing taxes, and obviously subject to federal tax, as well as state taxes.
I think its like the sales tax thing, one day it shows up and we have to pay sales tax on everything.....I think this is a path for the IRS to track your transactions for the purpose of taxing us as "Business" people earning income.......First its yard sale money and now its business income..........What else could you call it ??  I think it started when the "big" stores came in like the Music Room, and other big dealers in used audio and made it big business ........... Will