Transducers like ECT from Synergistic Research

Have any one used in audio system ECT from Synergistic Research ?
What about the results? Are they rally good?
I use the Synergistic Research ECTs in all of my systems. They are quite effective and allow you to tune your system to how you want it to sound. Each system will vary in how many and where the ECTs are placed. But that is part of the fun and satisfaction of experimenting with them. You will quickly learn where they sound best. They are easy to place and remove. Their effect is immediate and so there is no break in time. 
I give them my highest recommendation.
David Pritchard
First ECT went on my turntables motor pod. Not anything like where SR recommends. Yet I heard improved detail and dynamics, a bit less grain, better image focus with more air and greater depth. Not by a huge amount but impressive for just one. ECT are supposed to be Electronic, but I have two on my tone arm because they work even a little better there than on the motor. It might seem the best location would be inside components and even directly on things like transformers or caps, but I did not find that to be the case. Some I left inside because its such a hassle moving, opening up, reconnecting, hardly worth it when by then I know its going to work either way. Which is the main point. As Pritchard says you do learn where they sound best. But the differences in most cases are pretty small, or at least the difference between where is small compared to the difference between using or not.

They are so easy to place and remove, and the changes are so immediate and easy to hear, that I’ve tried them all over the place. The only two places I couldn’t hear a difference was on my iPod, and on the HDMI input on my projector. Well, in fairness SR recommends locating them on the output not the input.

Which leads me to the most amazing place ECT works. We often watch movies with my MacBook Pro connected to the system. When I placed one ECT close to the HDMI and audio outs on the Pro my wife immediately- and I mean immediately like before I could sit back down- said WHAT DID YOU DO???!?!? The already good picture took on an almost 3D appearance it was so clear and detailed!

Yes, just one ECT did this.

Oh yeah, highly recommended.

Ditto PHT, and all the different versions of HFT. All are additive, there seems to be no wrong order to do them in, and together they will transform your system, especially in terms of helping your speakers and room to disappear.

davidpritchard and millercarbon,

I thank you very, very much for your kindness and detailed opinion about my doubts.
This is why this forum is a good experience for audiophiles, and serious audiophiles. People like you make this be true.
I'm happy with your help.