Hi-Fi amp recommendation

Hi And thanks for reading this thread.
I am looking for a hi-fi transistor amp with good sound quality. There is stuff coming out of china, some with a bad reputation some with good.Have you heard anything about the good ones, can you give me any pointers in the right direction, have you maybe purchased an amp, are there any bargains to be had.Sorry for such a broad ranging question, any advice is appreciated. I already have a decent denon amp which cost me £1000, am wanting to get something better than that, something really top end.
I saw some good feedback on dartzeel boards and dartzeel full constructed amps, can you tell me if you tried any of these, if so what are the results. Any sound quality opinons or long term reliability issues.

Many thanks.
+1 for McCormack
A solid performer, and you can get it upgraded by SMcAudio in California.
Heck, you don't need to buy a working unit, as they essentially gut the amp. 
Google them for the phone #, Either Steve or Pat will answer.
They have done many upgrades over the years.
Is this the naim 200:  https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32835794156.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.20bb22b3ATwvxb&algo_p...
The 5i you mentioned retails for about £800 over here in britain, if the nap 200 is better then do you think it will compete well at about the £1000 price point?

No info on what amp and sound characteristics are most important to you, what you're looking to improve upon, or your budget.  You won't get very helpful or meaningful recommendations without sharing this critical info. 
To follow up on @soix 's comments, you need to tell us the speakers you are using and the size of your room. An amp needs to be matched to the speakers.
Also, are you using a preamp?