Need Integrated Amp with Moving Coil Input

I am trying to downsize and eliminate s lot of equipment. I have separate amp and preamp Primaluna) and LFD phono stage. I would like to get those three down to just one piece. I have a Harbeth 30.1s and Harbeth P3ESRs. Also Triangle Celius Esw and Dynaudio X12s and Contour 1.1s. Also a pair of AR3As. I like all of my speakers but mainly use the 30.1s. Is there s great integrated amplifier that has a moving coil cartridge input? I am having trouble finding one. A friend recommended Octave and have the MC module installed and that is my best and only recommendation. I like the idea of the Naim with the CD player built in as well and could eliminate my PS audio transport and dac also but it does not have a MC input. Any advice or direction would be great. Thanks.
Schiit Mani at $129 is a FANTASTIC deal.  It accepts MM/MC with selectable impedances.  It plays like a $2000 MC preamp.
Love the simplicity and the sound of my Peachtree Nova 300, killer DAC and 300wpc
Love the simplicity and the sound of my Peachtree Nova 300, killer DAC and 300wpc
Any SUT you would recommend?
dylanfan, at risk of sounding like a cliché there are no bad SUTs.  They all sound good, some more and some less according to your ears.  As long as you match the loading and gain requirements for the specific MC cartridge(s) you intend to use.

I use several cartridges so have more than one SUT, including Ortofon, Bob's Devices (a great all round choice) and a couple of custom and vintage units.  All great, but not all great with every cartridge.