JVC tt-101 repair

Got a JVC QL-10 with a 120V TT-101. Speed is wonky. Sometimes plays fine, sometimes spins a 1000 RPM, somtimes runs forward & then backward. Could use some help.
anyone else had this problem?

In many we have had very very similar problems.
Someone has solved them, others (like me) are still working.

Look this...

As I posted on your Audiokarma thread, 1st place to start is with the double sided PC board eyelits. Several have stated this is an issue with this table. Mine had the same speed fast issue. Though it took 3 tries with the eyelits with 3 separate speed issues ( running fast, intermittent cogging between 33.32 & 33.34 and stopping issue), it now runs as it should. If you don’t feel confident to try it, read as much as you can, get with a competent repair shop in your area and discus it. Probably can take care of the speed issues.
Hi all, help me please.

tthe repairman who took charge of my TT101 found that the problem is with the hall sensors inside the engine that are dead
Who can help me find a pair of these sensors that are also compatible or sell me the engine even if it doesn't work?
Thanks to those who can help me.
@best-groove JP ordered a spare JVC off eBay for a needed sensor in my TT101 repair. Mine is almost complete and ready for Miami.