
Responses from gary7

Lenco tables
I know this is an old thread. But I just got my first Lenco, a L78SE, a few weeks ago. After some research & getting it up to snuff, I am very pleased with it. In fact, I believe it sounds as good or better than most Duals I've had. And that's... 
Dual 701 pops fuse.
Waiting on parts. A stupid pimple & fuse. The SM states it is a T125 mA 250V slow blow fuse. I’ll put that in when they arrive. Haven’t touched it till then. Give it a thorough clean & lube. Hopefully I’ll get it going to speed. A little c... 
Dual 701 pops fuse.
Yes, sent him an email. If I can't sort this out to will go to Bill. 
Dual 701 pops fuse.
T 125mA is marked on the board & in the manual on I did not run it very long with the higher fuse value. It is wired for 110V.  
Dual 701 pops fuse.
It is a direct drive, No belt. 
Denon 47f vs. Technics 1700
Is the 1700 a MK1 or MK2? They are different animals. The Denon DP-47F has a low mass tonearm with Q-damping.   
500 albums in a basement flood--worth saving?
I live in the Tennessee Valley, prone to tornado's. I have about 5000 albums in my garage. Always in back of my mind when we have bad weather that they would be turned into flying frisbees. Been lucky so far. 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
Went to a neighboring town record store Sat. There sat this Rabco SL-8E/Panasonic SP-10 MK I combo. Tried to walk away from it. Not fast enough. Had some issues. Got it home last night. Pull the 10 out cleaned and adjusted it. Works fine. play... 
WTB: LUXMAN C-120A Pre Amp ? Can I use any Lux Pre
Did you ever get a C-120A pre? Just picked up one myself. 
In praise of the mighty SOTA Sapphire
I should buy a new belt, though it's running fine for now. 
Linear Tracker ...I was wondering
My experience with my SOTA Sapphire and Souther linear arm. 
Linear Tracker ...I was wondering
Man. that's cool. 
Linear Tracker ...I was wondering
Using a Souther SLA-3 on a SOTA. Happy with it. 
SOTA Sapphire aquired
When I first got the PS, I could not get the table to run with it. Well, was sitting here tonight looking at the SOTA PS and so I took out my DMM and tried again to see what it was doing. Plugged it in and I touched the two separate brass conta... 
Frustrated with Vinly
poko3 posts01-18-2020 6:59pmGot a spin clean - which drove me crazy and made me want to walk away from records and cut my losses. The SC seemed to make more noise than it took away.  Had the same issue with my Spin Clean, noisier than before ...