Tekton Perfect SET

Hi - I saw in your reply that you had both the Tekton Perfect SET 12 and Perfect SET 15. I am having trouble deciding on which to get.

I intend to drive the speakers with a SET amp - Dennis Had, it puts out at most (depending on the tubes you use) 12W.

When I contacted Tekton they recommended the 12" driver but I see that you went for the 15. Anything you can say that will help me decide? Are the 15" speakers bass heavy? I'm also running a Decware 2.5W SET amp using Omega Compact AlNiCo Monitors and there isn't much bass although they sound magnificent. Thoughts???
It's a tough room (my Living Room (LV), vaulted ceilings probably 12' high. The LV area is open to the dining room. The LV is about 17x13, the floor standing speakers are about 10-11' from where I listen from.

Right now I have a Rotel Integrated 75W/Ch (5.1) but I bypass the two front channels to an external Rotel 200W/channel power amp and also have a REL R505 Subwoofer so there is plenty of bass.

I am exploring the world of SET amps. Started with a Decware SE84UFO 2.5W SET amp with Omega CAM speakers. Really sounds great but a little short on bass.

Maybe the thing to do is go with the 12" Perfect Set as Erick recommended and if I need more low end use a Subwoofer. Already have a Dennis Had Inspire SET amp that I want to use in the LV.

Thanks for any thoughts/guidance & help.


I’d heed the advice from Eric. He must believe that a 12" woofer is totally sufficient for the cubic space you have with proper speaker placement. I believe this speaker with the Dennis  Had  amplifier has much potential for success.


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I agree with the suggestion to try both amplifiers with the Perfect SET speakers and compare results.  My gut feeling is that overall the tubed Dennis Had amplifier will be sonically superior and more engaging/involving with this speaker.
