I'm 14 in a detached garage converted into a teenage playground with a waterbed, blacklights, SS Japanese silver behemoths,  and speakers hanging inside nets. Admit it you were there once. Anyone have thoughts on the nets as a viable option for speakers? (Can't believe I remember this....pretty hazy in that garage.) Joe
'73 was the year I bought my first "big" system: Magneplanar Tympani T-I loudspeakers, ARC electronics, Thorens/SME/Decca record player, Revox A77. My dealer was Walter Davies, now known for his excellent LAST record, tape, and CD maintenance products.
1973. My friend had this album, really different but really, really good. For some reason they cheaped out on the cover, just plain black with this triangle and a rainbow. Then when you open it up, same thing, only a squiggly line. Never could figure that one out. But there was a heartbeat, and one guy when he got stoned enough he swore it was all tied in, an EKG or something, nobody at that age is afraid of dying, and you run and you run. Maybe got a little too stoned myself, now what was the name ...?
1973: The genesis point of my audiophile odyssey. Started with a Panasonic receiver with a fish eye tuning dial and plastic, trapezoidal single driver speakers. Also, had a BSR changer (4800?) with a ceramic cartridge. This system was a ubiquitous feature of every dentist's office back in the day. Listening to WDAS FM in Philly led to my fixation on Stevie Wonder, Ohio Players, Graham Central Station and War. Stones, Santana, Hendrix and Yes were like sonic heroin.
Then, I got a pair of BIC formula 1s, mounted them venturi side up in the corners of my room and literally shook the rafters. That launched the equipment side of the obsession that continues to this day.
1973 one year out of High School.
Living in my Folks’ basement.
Waterbead, Marantz 2270, Rectilinear 3s, Technics TT.
Smoke, women, music good times.
a friend had a pair of Bose 901s suspended from ceiling driven by McIntosh. I was astounded by the sound.
@Millercarbon...headed to Seattle in September. Love the area and the stores 😉
Let's face it, in 1973 "Hi-Fi" translated into bone crushing bass. (Had the term "audiophile" even been coined?) My approach, my first year after passing the Bar, was to trade my AR3's for a pair of Tannoys the size of small refrigerators and a massive McIntosh power amp tweaked with an equalizer set with the ubiquitous U-curve.