I'm 14 in a detached garage converted into a teenage playground with a waterbed, blacklights, SS Japanese silver behemoths,  and speakers hanging inside nets. Admit it you were there once. Anyone have thoughts on the nets as a viable option for speakers? (Can't believe I remember this....pretty hazy in that garage.) Joe

Showing 5 responses by millercarbon

1973 I was delivering newspapers on my bicycle, then riding it to Radio Shack to buy my first stereo, which when lying on the floor using speakers like headphones I could just about get Nilsson Jump Into the Fire to sound like real drums.

There was one party I can only remember as some kind of haze of people scrunched in so tight you could hardly drink your beer without spilling and a stereo screeching out some really loud rock that might have been Rush except I think this was a year or two before Fly By Night so either it was another band or another year but either way there was way way way to many crowded into that room!😂😂Which the beer and the noise and the sweat and cheap perfume and a pungent smoke that I don't think was a cigarette made it all strangely somehow... perfect.
1973. My friend had this album, really different but really, really good. For some reason they cheaped out on the cover, just plain black with this triangle and a rainbow. Then when you open it up, same thing, only a squiggly line. Never could figure that one out. But there was a heartbeat, and one guy when he got stoned enough he swore it was all tied in, an EKG or something, nobody at that age is afraid of dying, and you run and you run. Maybe got a little too stoned myself, now what was the name ...?
In 1973 I thought Reefer Madness was a documentary.

By 1980 I thought Reefer Madness was a hilarious send-up comedy.

Today Reefer Madness means the prices will be good at the store across the street.
Interesting. Its 1973. I'm 16 in a basement bedroom with some speakers, forget the name but they were bought from Radio Shack. Usually they would go up on a dresser but if placed on the floor the right distance from the walls and you lay on the floor with them pointed right at you they put out pretty good bass and you can play Nilsson Can't Live Without You and Jump Into the Fire and it is just ear-splittingly joyously satisfying!