Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?

Driving my Guarneri with a Pass Aleph 3 amp(with audio aero capitole mkIISE cdp+pre), which goes quite well, but thinking of upgrading amp to a couple of 300B monoblocks...
The thing is this is a tricky change because, among other things, the Pass is built like a tank and is an excellent amp. So I want to make the decision carefully with no hurries...
Considering as an option the Coincident Frankenstein's but i'm not too informed about tube amps.
I listen to all sorts of music though fav is Opera, so my expectations with the change would go on the line of getting a more real life experience.
I wonder if anyone had any experience of driving these 87db sensitivity, 6-8ohm speakers with a SET and would appreciate opinions or suggestions
The Border Patrol 300B cannot express any high frequencies when mated with Guarneri Hommage that acts like a HF filter!!!
The Goldmund Mimesis 8.4 monoblocks 185 Watts cannot express their speed & finesse either with Guarneri that acts like a brake, destroying the tonal quality of both!!!
Don't get fooled by their size or the tricky specifications:
They need plenty of room to breath their image & voice capabilities and they are VERY demanding of the amplifier that feeds them.
As a comparison example I let you know that a Proac Response 5 in the same small room (3x5 meters) with the same set-up, feels much better and plays the same SPL for half the volume setting!!! (and loves the Border Patrol as much as the Goldmund. In fact I could never manage to clearly prefer one over the other so I pick them both for it).
The Guarneris are going to mask the delicacy of a highly sophisticated but week in current power amp. Also they refuse to open-up the midrange and keep even an average bass foundation if your amp does not have plenty of reserve power both with a full body & robust personality. (in a contradiction the Krells can't do it right).
Make no mistake here. They want big & "beefy" amps. (At the Sonus Faber factory they use an integrated Accuphase).
Also, the minimum room for them is about 5x6 meters otherwise they cannot image the scene (no soundstage at all).
The absolutely best amp that I really love to pair with them is the Jadis Defy 7. (despite I am a 300B SET fun).
I'm afraid you have to choose between SET & Guarneri.
But in a small room & with a preference to low listening volume level...I'm sorry. I wish you to get rid of them and find a way to better serve your listening & not your decorative needs. You see the reviewers are not allowed to inform the people for the specific needs of the Guarneri so, we can assume that is just another small & manageable mini monitor...
So far from the truth!!!
Good luck

FWIW: find a way to listen the Transmission Audio M1i

George, I do agree with you that the GH's like a little stick up front. Along with my 65 watt/ch tube amp, I also use, to get a different perspective, a 250 watt/ch Rowland amp. The GH's have no problem at all with 250 watts/ch! OTOH, I don't agree with your comment that the GH's need a room of 5x6 meters otherwise they cannot image!... I have mine in a 3 X 3.5 meter room and they image very nicely and are able to portray depth well. This room size is not ideal, BUT you can get the GH's to work in a small room, albeit with a lot of experimentation.
I drive my GH with a Viva Solista SE amp, no issues!

Great sound, dynamics, punch... Everything is there.... Saying that, and since the 845 tube is a different thing than a 300B I should audition first.
I appreciate all the informative opinions to aid my decision.
The ideal thing would be to try it, but that won't be possible.
An additional thing is that i have a SF Gravis active sub to help with the bass (cutoff below 42) connected to the amps outputs; i don't know if this factors at all on the equation.
My personal experience is that the SF GH are driven pretty easily by the Pass, but this is 30w.
Dongiovanni, I don't think having the sub help with the bass is going to make much difference. As I stated above, the GH's need a little stick up line. The Pass
at 30 watts has the ability, current wise, to drive the GH's to a satisfying level in your room, helped by the fact that you are not asking it to push much bass. An 8watt 300B SE amp is a different deal. It could work, BUT I doubt it would be satisfying at all; as Flg2001 pointed out, the 300B tube is not like an 845 tube or 211 which in the Dragon puts out 75watts/ch. Since you are unable to listen for yourself, then you had better get return privileges from the dealer/manufacturer, if you insist on trying the flea powered amps.