Have Maggie 1.6s, looking to switch it up.

I have had my 1.6's for little bit now and can't help but wonder what a decent conventional speaker would sound like in my set up. Prior to the Maggies I had inexpensive bookshelf speakers, it has been years since I have heard a decent full range "box" speaker. Looking for recommendations for a good size floor stander in the $1000-$1500 range used. I have considered Gallos and Zu among others so far.
I think your budget is too low to compete with the magnepans in a box speaker. Used I think you could get into a comparable speaker for $2000-3000. I would not consider Gallo or ZU conventional (never heard either).

You might like some used Thiels too. Being that they are quasi point source they will stage/image much differently than the magnepans. That is if you are just looking for different for the sake of different. PSB is another band that has very good "cheap" speakers. The list of box speakers is nearly endless but very few (if any) will outclass the magnepans in your price range.

It make take a few hours to get back into box speakers. At first they may sound odd. So give your first demo a little more time to adjust.
Try turning your panels around.....just where they sit. Front/Back swap. Tweeters will now be on the 'inside'.
Let us know if you note a better / worse difference.

I don't know when, but years ago, Magnepan swapped orientation of there drivers. I personally think it was a mistake.

I flipped my 1.6s and won't go back. Smoother, better dispersion, and less strident highs.

Take a woodworking class and build full frames...not those bridgework stands. My class starts in 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks all, magfan I will switch them around and see how it sounds. I have also noticed that playing them out of phase can also produce some interesting results. I really love the sound of Maggies, I guess my curiosity is starting to get the better of me.
I've had panels for 30+ years.......starting with MG-1s. At one point I was forced to use them in a VERY small room.....almost a cube, really. about 10x10x8. it was a hard, awful but fortunately temporary space.
when installed 'normally' there was an awful 'image' in the upper left corner of the room.....from where I sat. Really weird. Since I used dual banana plugs with color coding, my relative phase was good.
I swapped 'em left / right and problem solved. Never revisited so I never figured it out. Nasty small room.

BWP, please give it a try. It's free and easy......and if there is a change to YOU, it may be for the better, as it was for me.