Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?

I thought that I would start this thread.  I do not like the other thread.
tomcarr, yes, its called parallel Bi-wire. i got it from the Anti-cable site under FAQ. All i know is that it works, all it cost me to try it was 36.00 bucks. i clearly heard a difference with the jumpers and preferred it that way. Greg
tomcarr, yes, its called parallel Bi-wire. i got it from the Anti-cable site under FAQ. All i know is that it works, all it cost me to try it was 36.00 bucks. i clearly heard a difference with the jumpers and preferred it that way. Greg
by bi-wiring with jumpers it sounds like you have accidentally connected the SCs as per the Doug  Schroeder method.  Does that sound right?
@drumsgreg - That's interesting! Thanks for the info about an option that might work for others too. 

yping, not sure what the Doug Schroeder method is, i found this on the anti-cable site under FAQ. tomcarr, your welcome!