Who Has the New Top Technics SL1200GRE? Does it blow your other expensive tables away?

What high end tables have you compared it to so far? Results? 
@vinny55 There are many Fidelity-Research headshells, but if you mean that one with a huge bolt in the middle i would not even use it on FR tonearms :)

Probably like Audio Craft AS-3PL which i’m using with my Argent low compliance MC

But in many posts i told that DL-103 cartridge must be on superveavy tonearms (not on 9 inch Technics stock arm for sure), the compliance of this cartridge is extremely low. Modern arm designed for this particular cart (and SPU) is long Thomas Schick "12, that was my second arm after Technics EPA-100 "10.5 when i’ve been trying low compliance cartridges like SPU.


@vinny55, no it does not, and not even better than some vintage DD.
But it is good.
The SL-1200G is truly a reference-level turntable in a consumer-friendly and consumer-familiar form factor.  I was not prepared for the level of sound quality, stability of pitch, and total absence of environmental and drive-related artifacts the G is capable of.  The difference between the sound quality of my upgraded SL-1210M5G was instantly and obviously apparent.  No A/B listening test was required to be able to hear it.  Piano notes are reproduced completely natural sounding and rock steady in pitch.  It is such a solid drive system, that it is quite easy to hear mistakes in the mastering of records and even the wow and flutter of mastering decks in need of maintenance.  It is in fact comparable in performance to my SL-1000mkII - even favorably so in some instances.  I was so impressed, I purchased a second one for secondary cartridges (mono/78).  It really is amazing that this level of performance is available for around $4k.  

But - and there is always a but, the SL-1200G (and the GR from other reports) is not perfect.  First of all, I don't think the accessability of the power and inconnect cable connections could be ANY more difficult if they tried.  These are heavy turntables.  The fact that you have to reach underneath the chassis to change connections rather than having a rear panel connection is difficult to the extreme.  Make sure you have your cartridge secured and the dust cover installed before you attempt any connecition changes.  Otherwise, disaster could strike if you dislodge the tonearm from it's rest.

One other issue that concerns me.  Technics must view the strobe dots on the platter as a mostly cosmetic feature.  Why would I say that?  Well it seems that every single 1200G and GR I have seen has strobe dot untiformity issues.  Surely Technics engineers are aware of this.  Some have even had platter uniformity issues, but I believe those are rare occurences.  As the platter spins around, the dots do not move in a straight line.  At the completion of a rotation the dots jump slightly as it starts another rotation.  This is strictly a visual issue as the platter RPM is rock steady.  Some are worse than others, but all I have seen have the issue to some degree.  None of my other turntables, Technics or otherwise, have had this issue.  Technics should fix this, even though it does not impact sound quality.  A high quality product should not have an issue with visual appeal like this.  

Overall, it is a very fine instrument which I enjoy using immensely, I have owned many different turntables over my lifetime and the 1200G is as good or better than any I have used.  In most cases, far and away, much, better.  I have experience with Rega, VPI, Luxman, and others.  There are things I liked about all of them, but the G just does everything better.  I am considering replacing my SP-10mkII with a new SP-10R, but I am not sure I would hear the difference.  Maybe soon....  (all of this IMHO of course)

The Dragon
The best way I found to connect the power and interconnect cables is to put a couple hardcover books under the rear feet thereby lifting the ass end of the turntable. This made connecting the cables a little easier. I love my SL-1200G.