How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?

By truly satisfied, I mean, zero desire to change a thing-

I'll raise my hand- and being at a happy place with my system is a happy thought- 

Not really. Everybody says he’s absolutely thrilled with his system. Even your humble scribe.
Oh, plenty people here look for a little more from their amplification, something different in there speakers, etc. I do not really see folks by and large proclaim total satisfaction with their systems as so many are on a never ending quest. And in fact I know of one guy that always proclaims what he has as amazing however he rarely keeps anything more than a year. 
I was a tad dissatisified with one of my setups until last weekend.  Moved the speakers about 3 inches and bingo I'm all goo goo eyed again. 

 I dont think Ive ever really been dis-satisfied with any of  my systems, but as we all know, one of the symptoms of this disease is the urge for constant improvement, no matter how small. I recently bought new speakers and I am very happy and content. ( for now)
I was happy. Like the kind of happy where almost all the audiophile categories and phrases didn’t matter, and I was just deeply enjoying a connection to the music.....then I went mucking around with stuff, trying to get just on more level of somewhere. And I lost it somewhat. So now I’m trudging through the processes to get back to that place...but leveled up a position—lol. But I believe this round will do that..... I think... I hope. It better!