MBL 101E vs SF Stradivari vs Dynaudio Temptation?

Which would you guys recommend for a room around 5m x 12m for vocals and classical music? I was blown away by the 101e's, but I know they require a lot more power (and in turn, $$$) because of the inefficiency... So I am now considering Stradivari and Evidence Temptation as well...

Thank you very much in advance! =)
Thanks everyone for the advice! After listening to all three choices extensively I think I've come to the conclusion that MBL suits my tastes best. Now I just need to figure out speaker placement... (see other thread I started)
love the MBL as others have noted, three VERY different speakers and sound.

IMO the 5 m dimension will be a tough barrier to overcome w 101

and yes, I have heard them.

an AMS-100 is delightful power for them....