Forever turntable under $2000

In search of: forever turntable.

I'm currently looking to upgrade from my existing Pro-Ject RPM 1.3 to a table that I will (hopefully) never grow out of. I'm looking for something that is *technically* competent, something where I know the engineering is extremely solid and "timeless," and provides a good analog platform to swap carts with. My budget for this is $1600 with cart (but up to $2000 if there's a good case for it). The rest of my system is as follows:

* LSA 2.1 Statement speakers

* Schiit Gumby DAC

* Schiit Freya preamp

* Adcom GFA555 power amp

* Schiit Mani phono stage

So far, I have looked into the Rega P6 (or a used RP6), a Clearaudio Concept, a variety of Pro-Ject offerings, and a Michell Technodec... but at this level there are so many choices, its hard to know where to start. Any ideas? Thanks!
Interesting thread. Forever turntable. Under $2k. And surprisingly, a whole bunch of people seriously think there is such a thing. Even more interesting, they're right! My Technics is from 1975. My Teres is from 2003 There are of course plenty of turntables from Linn, Garrard, and others that may be even older yet still running strong, and still getting good money in the used market. Clearly there is such a thing as a forever turntable.

But everyone knows that. What's interesting is, could you imagine a thread like this only looking for a forever CD player?

I know. Hilarious. Nuff said.
well, even though I own a Technics, the older scout is just a hard table to beat for used prices. I listened to a fully radicalized lp12 and came home and listened to the scout and did not feel like I was missing much. Was the LP12 better, sure it costs 20K, it better be. However the scout really delivers a very pleasing analog playback. you might be surprised.
...for even less money, under $1000 if you’re lucky, vintage Denon DP80.
Good suggestion Lewm. DP80 is my keeper. This is after LP12, Oracle Delphi, Thorens 124, 125, 126, Garrard 301, 401, Micro Seiki DQX1000, various Regas and Aristons. None compare for rock-steady pitch and silence. It has Quartz lock, or manual if you prefer. They sell under a Gee on the bay, and that leaves more than enough to replace all the ’lytics (for the 'forever' part) and buy a good tonearm or cartridge (if needed).
Some great suggestions but I would join "leotis" and get a Merrill GEM Dandy PolyTable.  I've know George for decades and he can get you some goose-bumps!

This "budget" table gets all the trickle down R&D from his Merrill-Williams R.E.A.L. 101.3 Turntable (to often overlooked-I would love to own .  Speed & stability controls are probably the best on the planet and dampening isolation is exceptional.  The review by Michael Fremer should have been vindication enough for most to seek this GEM out. 
I should add that I have purchased several analog products from Mr. Merrill and have always been satisfied.  None however could approach the joy I get from buying the Sutherland N1 Preamplifier from George.